2018-08-13 10:29:48 UTC
package: x2goserver
priority: bug
I added a limit of 10 for the x2gousers group like this :
[limit groups]
It seems to work when you connect directly with x2goclient (I get blocked when I reach the limit so the group is the good one and the limit work) but I had cases where the loadchecker was crashed and every users where targeted to the same server and on this server, I ended with more opened session than the limit.
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priority: bug
I added a limit of 10 for the x2gousers group like this :
[limit groups]
It seems to work when you connect directly with x2goclient (I get blocked when I reach the limit so the group is the good one and the limit work) but I had cases where the loadchecker was crashed and every users where targeted to the same server and on this server, I ended with more opened session than the limit.
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